You CAN get a mortgage loan even if you have bad credit

LendingTree Mortgage


Bad Credit
Mortgage Loans

Bad Credit?  No problem! 

There are many mortgage loan programs to choose from -- just complete the short form by clicking the banner below, and the best programs will be matched to your needs. Even if you have bad credit, in many cases you CAN get a mortgage loan with a reputable lender. 

Get some quotes. Take 5 minutes now to get some mortgage quotes. We recommend checking the LendingTree program below, which lets you quickly search through many lenders' in your state so you can better your chances of finding a mortgage loan -- even if you have bad credit. 

Be sure to get your  Free Credit Score so you'll have your credit score to get better estimates for your mortgage quotes. 

You should check your credit report for mistakes; there may be a simple way to improve your credit so you can qualify fo a mortgage loan at an affordable payment.

Just because you don't have perfect credit, it doesn't mean that all is lost. You can get a mortgage loan with the right bad credit loan program.